Judge Grillo ruled that LADWP violated CEQA. Read the LA Times article by Louis Sahagun. Photo by Brad Peatross
Michael CleaverMarch 15, 2021

Louis Sahagun's controversial piece in the LA Times called out old stakeholders, conflicts over water, and stoked a response by LADWP to "Correct the Record." …
Michael CleaverMarch 14, 2021

Keeping Long Valley Green - Court directs LADWP to comply with CEQA On March 8, 2021, the Alameda Superior Court issued a final ruling in…
Michael CleaverMarch 12, 2021

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Michael CleaverMarch 12, 2021

LADWP released it's Adaptive Management Plan for Bi State Sage Grouse in the Long Valley. This includes recognition of the dramatic impact of irrigation near…
Michael CleaverMarch 10, 2021

Glossary Saltation is the transportation of sand grains in small jumps by wind or flowing water.
Michael CleaverAugust 11, 2019

Glossary Deflation is the lifting and removal of fine, dry particles of silt, soil, and sand by the wind also known as wind erosion or…
Michael CleaverAugust 11, 2019