LADWP released it’s Adaptive Management Plan for Bi State Sage Grouse in the Long Valley. This includes recognition of the dramatic impact of irrigation near McGee creek on Sage Grouse Habitat, and definitive metrics for assessing vegetation throughout the year with satellite data.
“The diversions associated with Convict and McGee creeks are anticipated to provide management options that can benefit brood‐rearing habitat for BSSG. Again, based on use patterns of marked birds, a prioritization of these diversions was drafted (Table 1) with the intent of guiding where water resources will yield the greatest outcome throughout the season. Application and evaluation of this system will inform its success and will help refine the most effective approach. In addition to identifying and prioritizing the diversion, we have identified the habitat targets of having at least 0.3 NDVI by June 29th, maintaining or increasing the NDVI score into September, and managing for this level of mesic habitat along 100m of identified diversions. These metrics were derived from work on greater sage‐grouse and on BSSG in Long Valley but should continue to be evaluated to ensure the implementation of the AMP is meeting Objectives. In addition, it is currently predicted that spilling 5 cfs from diversions will yield ≥ 0.3 NDVI along a 100m‐wide band. This will be evaluated through remote sensing monitoring of NDVI throughout the season by LADWP.”

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